
From 26 September - 20 October 2024, the 4th Pochen Biennale will take place in Halls A0 and C0 of the Wirkbau under the title ‘Ex Oriente Ignis’ (from Latin: Fire Comes From The East). Click here for the Biennale website.

Biennale 2024 - Ex Oriente Ignis

Alongside the Biennale, a European cooperation between Pochen, HELLERAU from Dresden, WRO Art Center from Wroclaw and JAM Factory from Lviv will be established in 2024. The aim is to create a forum for exchange for institutions as well as residencies for artists in Ukraine, Germany, and Poland. In the context of the war in Ukraine, the focus is on shared perspectives, resilience and unrestricted solidarity.

In order to realize this, research encounters between artists, the residency location and the various partner institutions will be created. The investigations are based on meandering concepts such as “memory” and “borders”, which are given a conceptual research space through the residencies.


what's that?


The word pochen has many meanings in German. It is polysemous. There is a knocking when one taps rhythmically against a surface. We insist unwaveringly on our ideals. If we think of something that inspires us, our hearts thump. We have a throbbing headache when we worry. In the mines, miners pounded the ore for decades, e.g., in the nearby Ore Mountains. In addition to all this, Pochen is also the name of a festival for multimedia art and its cultural mediation in Chemnitz. It is a space for critical and collaborative engagement with the upheavals that affect our society.

Pochen, that's us: a team of different people, but all with the same drive. We don't just want to show art, we don't just want to communicate art, we want to achieve an impact through the exhibition of art — with visitors and with cooperating institutions and contributors — in Chemnitz, in the region, in Europe.

We organize a major art exhibition (Biennale) every two years and an artistic conference (symposium) the year before to get into conversation with the team, curators, artists, and other protagonists. It started in 2018 when we worked on the topic of "Wismut", followed by Treuhand and the collection of data. A new topic, a new location, and new curations every two years.

In between, we organize events, participate in KOSMOS in Chemnitz, organize educational trips or artist residencies. All of this is always done with partners and friends from Pochen.

If you would also like to rethink art and art mediation, get involved and participate, please write to us at

what's that?

Spinnerei e.V.

Pochen is a project of the Spinnerei e.V.

The non-profit Spinnerei e.V. has been active since 2014 as a politically and denominationally independent initiator, project manager and partner of cultural and socio-cultural projects in Chemnitz and the region and sustainably promotes the common good through its ambitious actions. Through its activities, the association aims to address social challenges and develop approaches for actions and solutions with the help of artistic activities.

what's that?


Benjamin Gruner
Art direction I
Benjamin | Gruner - 2
Benjamin | Gruner - 1
Alice Leblanc
International Cooperations I
Alice | Leblanc - 2
Alice | Leblanc - 1
Christian Feister
Administration I
Christian | Feister - 1
Agnieszka Kubicka-Dzieduszycka
Curatorial advisory
Agnieszka | Kubicka-Dzieduszycka - 1
Lucia Schaub
Mediation & zine
Lucia | Schaub - 2
Lucia | Schaub - 1
Kim Brian Dudek
Project management I
Kim | Brian Dudek - 2
Kim | Brian Dudek - 1
Stefan Schreiter
Technical support
Stefan | Schreiter - 1
Rene Szymanski
Mediation & accompanying programme
Rene | Szymanski - 1
Frank Schönfeld
Founding member
Frank | Schönfeld - 1
Kim Ryschawy
Mediation & guided exhibition tours
Kim | Ryschawy - 2
Kim | Ryschawy - 1
Linus Grösel
Linus | Grösel - 1
Ann-Kathrin Ntokalou
Ann-Kathrin | Ntokalou - 1
Hedi Berg
Hedi | Berg - 1


With the Pochen Biennale, every two years, Chemnitz becomes a place for contemporary multimedia and participatory art in Central and Eastern Germany. With committed local and international participation, an artistic center for breakage, for the fragile, for relics worth protecting, and for possible future scenarios is created.

With our first biennial in 2018, we wanted to create something that had never existed in this city before: an artistic, discursive forum for telling stories using multimedia.

A new curation is invited to each biennial, which works together with the team in an intensive exchange. Much has changed; some things have become more demanding, larger, and more international. After the "Tage des Aufbruchs” (“Days of Departure"), we appreciated the "Preis der Zukunft" (“Prize of the Future”) and dedicated ourselves to the “Neue Vermessung der Welt” ("New Measurement of the World"). Always with an eye on the East. And why all this? We are convinced that what we are doing can change Chemnitz, enrich East Germany, and strengthen a pluralistic society. The Biennale doesn't gloss over anything, but it also shows that not everything is always bad.



It's burning – whether the fire warms or destroys you depends on the distance.  

Under the title ‘Ex Oriente Ignis’ (translated from Latin: ‘Fire Comes From The East’), the 4th Pochen Biennale became a centre for multimedia and participatory art in Chemnitz - the European Capital of Culture 2025 - for four weeks. In the shadow of the Russian war of aggression against Ukraine and at the moment of "Zeitenwende" ( ‘turning point’), an artistic centre for fractures, fragility, relics worthy of protection and possible future scenarios in the East German space of experience was created. The Biennale took place from 26 September - 20 October 2024 on over 2000 m² in several halls on the Wirkbau site. 

Part of the Biennale 2024 was an art exhibition curated by Serge Klymko (Kyiv) with 20 international positions and a participatory youth art exhibition curated by the Amt für Wunschentwicklung (Halle/Saale). Accompanying this, our discourse programme created space for discourse and exchange through lectures, workshops, guided tours, readings and film screenings. 

On our biennial website you can find further information on the biennial 2024.

Art exhibiton "Ex Oriente Ignis - Fire Comes From The East"

In the 21st century, perhaps more than ever before, fire has become an immediate tool of politics: from the burning of tires on Maidan Nezalezhnosti to the self-immolation of Aaron Bushnell and the burning of the Koran in an Arnhem square to the torching of American flags in Tehran. Fire provides direct access to political action that is otherwise hidden in the technocratic nature of the modern world – one that has devoted so much effort to domesticating and calculating the effects of fire until it became flanked by flames.

As we step into darkness at the Pochen Biennial, we will gaze into the reflections of the world cast by the coming fire and engage in an artistic exploration of the current pyropolitics of Europe, the explosion of multiple Easts, phosphorescent geographies, gaslit economies, the necropoesis of war, and the burnout of the Yalta-Potsdam system. 

Curation: Serge Klymko (UKR)

Lesia Vasylchenko (UKR), Mykola Ridnyi (UKR), Sergey Bratkov (UKR), Sung Tieu (VNM/GER), Danylo Galkin (UKR), bergernissen (GER), Bohdan Bunchak (UKR), Ihor Okuniev (UKR), Yarema Malashchuk & Roman Khimey (UKR), Total Refusal (AUT), Dana Kavelina (UKR), Maria Matiashova (UKR), Vova Vorotniov (UKR), Stefaniia Bodnia & Alexandra Hunts (UKR), Cyprien Gaillard (FR), Peter Varnai & Margareta Klose (AUT), Alina Kleytman (UKR), Henrike Naumann (GER), Jack Dove (UK)

Youth art exhibition ‘Ex Oriente Polylux - From the East, multiple light’

The youth art exhibition was a mediating exhibition that dealt with the ambivalence of light. Throughout the exhibition and during the Biennale programme, we wanted to invite people to discuss art and their own thoughts on what they saw. 

An artistic research process by young people from Chemnitz was shown as well as devices for light design and reflection. The results showed how technology, light and art are related and invited visitors to see positions, themselves and art in a different light. 

Together with the Zwischenwelten collective, an open call was organised for young people to openly address questions about their personal East and submit ideas and artistic expressions.  The submitted photographs have become part of the exhibition - as well as works by pupils that were created from a mediation box.

Curation: Amt für Wunschentwicklung (GER), Linus Grösel and Hedi Berg (GER)



With the third edition of the biennial from September 29 to October 9, 2022, POCHEN presents international multimedia artists in collaboration with European project partners under the exhibition title "The (New) Measurement of the World". Under the artistic direction of curator Agnieszka Kubicka-Dzieduszycka (WRO Art Center & Media Art Biennale), new positions as well as established artworks by 20 artists will be on display. Together with the Museum für Werte (museum of values), a participatory citizens' exhibition is also being created. The biennial exhibitions form the core of POCHEN and will take place at Wirkbau Chemnitz and in public spaces. Other formats such as discussions, guided walks through the urban space, readings, film screenings and workshops for a broad public complement the festival program.

This year, POCHEN dives deep into the data cosmos, because we find ourselves in a world that is developed, shaped and reflected from data. Data streams and processes thus create artificial phenomena and experiences that shape people as increasingly hybrid identities. The systemically advancing datafication and the linking of algorithmic processes with all areas of life offer opportunities as well as previously unknown challenges. What feedback does datafication have on our social coexistence and our democratic values? How can artistic interventions in technical systems reveal and critically explore the fluid boundaries between humans and software, the individual and the masses, and work and leisure? And what significance does data literacy - the ability to read, work with, analyze and communicate data - have?

Agnieszka Kubicka-Dzieduszycka

Nora Al-Badri (GER - IRQ), Brigitta Bödenauer (AUT), Clarissa Thieme (GER), (FR), Ingo Günther (GER), IP Group & Ania Haudek (PL), Norimichi Hirakawa (JPN), Wolf Kahlen (GER), Christina Kubisch (GER), Pawel Janicki (PL), Bernd Lintermann & Peter Weibel (GER), Joana Moll (ESP), Špela Petrič (SVN), Rocco & seine Brüder (GER), Johanna Reich (GER), Evan Roth (US), RYBN.ORG (FR), Michael Saup (GER), Anastasiia Belousova (RU), Sine Wave Orchestra (JPN), Charlotte Eifler (GER), Niklas Roy & Kati Hyyppä (GER / FIN), Simon Weckert (GER)


Dr. Anett Holzheid (GER), Barbara Kiolbassa (GER), Katja Manz (GER), Binh Minh Herbst (GER), Sven Winkler (GER), Laokoon (Cosima Terasse (FR), Hans Block (GER), Moritz Riesewieck(GER), Gabi Reinhardt (GER), Wolfgang Lötzsch (GER), Sandra Meier (GER), Dr. Steffi Lehmann (GER), Dr. Theresa Züger (GER), Prof. Dr. Anja Strobel (GER), Pascal Anselmi (GER), Beate Düber (GER), Kristin Uhlig (GER), Sabine Maria Schmidt (GER) 



POCHEN looks at the radical changes: For a whole week, the POCHEN Biennale will be addressing people's influential themes and confronts them with the art world. The result: 20 international positions of an artistic research process that aims to provoke a public debate on historically significant topics.

As an international forum for art and society, the POCHEN Biennale is an experimental and discourse space for multimedia art in Chemnitz. The exhibition focuses on international and regional artists who work at the interface of art and technology. POCHEN brings together the artists' voices with relevant minds from science and society. The focus this year: the Treuhandanstalt.

From 1990 to 1994, the Treuhandanstalt was responsible for the transfer of state-owned assets into private ownership, and the controversy came almost as planned: The accelerated procedure and the socio-economic consequences made the Treuhand's actions the most controversial legacy of reunification. Only four years after the Treuhand began its work, its mission was already over. What remained was a country in divided unity - divided into new and old, east and west, poor and rich. This is a chapter of German history that has been little looked at so far, and which the POCHEN Biennale will focus on for a week this autumn.

Sabine Maria Schmidt (GER) and Olaf Bender (GER)
Museum für Werte (Bürger:innenausstellung) (GER)

Katerina Antonopoulou (GR), Benedikt Braun, (GER), Gabriele Dolff-Bonekämper (GER), Ya-Wen Fu, (GER; born CHN), Fantastic Little Splash (UA), Karolina Freino (Nonument Group) (SI), fuse* (IT), Falk Haberkorn (GER), Sven Johne (GER), Via Lewandowsky (GER), Irène Mélix (GER), Lysann Németh (GER), Nonument Gruppe, Daniel Pflumm (GER, born CH), David Polzin (GER), Tim Rakutt (GER), Ute Richter (GER), Oskar Schmidt (GER), Andreas Siekmann (GER), Catharina Szonn (GER) , ::vtol:: (RUS), Hannes Waldschütz (GER), Anya Zholud (RUS), Bernd Hennig (GER) 

Dr. Marcus Böick (GER), Dierk Hoffmann (GER), Manja Präkels (GER), Claus Löser (GER), Volkmar Zschocke (GER), Detlef Scheuner (GER), Katrin Rohnstock (GER), Beate Düber (GER), Ute Richter (GER), Anja Richter (GER), Friederike Sigler (GER), Jan Wenzel (GER), Sabine Maria Schmidt (GER), Frank Bretschneider (GER), Mieko Suzuki (GER; born JPN), Sylvie Kürsten (GER) 



A biennial is finally knocking on the door in Chemnitz: POCHEN. Every two years, POCHEN tells the history and stories of the region. The biennial focuses on a theme that is closely linked to the city, its people, its past, present and future, but above all to its identity.

POCHEN tells these stories using multimedia: with painting, sound, words, installations and light, audiovisually, performatively and scenically. The first edition of POCHEN was dedicated to the "Tage des Aufbruchs” (“Days of Awakening") of Wismut and its significance for the region, mining in general and all the small and big stories surrounding it.

Pochen Team

Olaf Bender (GER), Martin Bricelj Baraga (SLO), Fachklasse digitale und zeitbasierte Medien der HfBK Dresden unter der Leitung von Carsten Nicolai (GER), Wilhelm Frederking (GER), Thomas Judisch (GER), Susanne Kriemann (GER), Jan Kummer (GER), Michael Saup (GER), Rene Seifert (GER), Grit Ruhland (GER), Johannes Plank (GER) & Alabaster Becher (GER), Zimoun (CHE)

Guests and experts:
Josef Haslinger (AUS), Angela Aux (GER), Katja Manz (GER), Andrea Lange (GER), Elisa Überschär (GER), Nina (Goldener Pudel) (GER), Claus Löser (GER), Rainer Karlsch (GER), Occupied Head (GER), Armin Nassehi (GER)



In preparation for the Biennale, a three-day exchange and discourse event — the Pochen Symposium — is organized the year before to encourage interdisciplinary exchange. The theme of the respective symposium is the foundation for kaleidoscopic research that will lead us to the theme of the Biennale. With the symposium, cultural actors from Chemnitz and the surrounding area, together with curators, network and cooperation partners, and artists, will discuss at various events where potential lies and where change is necessary. Which spheres are possible topics, and how does it relate to Chemnitz.

In addition to lectures, discussions, and workshops, performances and city tours have already been part of the program — always intending to get a little closer to the heart of the matter and find out where synergy effects lie and where further energy is needed.

The symposium depends on its guests with expertise, participants with a thirst for knowledge, and organizers with a passion for action.



Has our world really become fragile? Supposedly stable political certainties, social truths, identities, ecosystems, infrastructures, economies and international relations - everything suddenly seems to have an expiry date written into it. The moment of crisis has become the signature of our young century. 

How does that affect us, Chemnitz, art and its production? With the Pochen Symposium we want to get closer to the answers to these questions. With various formats for exchange and networking, we will discuss with you what we all have in store for the Biennale 2024, both artistically and discursively. 

Particular attention should be paid to the local and global challenges in Eastern Europe. As part of the events, we reflect with you on the shared experience of the East and derive important impulses for political and cultural education. 

Be there, get to know perspectives from Chemnitz, Germany, Eastern and Central Europe (unexpected), network (synergy) with over 40 local, regional and European partners and enrich the symposium with your position, that of your association or your institution (statement).

Olja Grubić (HRV), Walls & Birds (GER), Paula Erstmann (GER), Stephanie Franz (GER) & Jens E. Reißmann (GER), Christiane Wittig (GER), Dr. Martin Weichhold (GER), Juliane Henrich (GER), FAMED (Sebastian Matthias Kretzschmar (GER), Jan Thomaneck (GER)


Guests & experts
Marina Weisband (UKR), Melanie Stein (GER), Dr. Gesine Märtens (GER), Dr. Jeanne Bindernagel (GER), Louisa-Dominique Riedel (GER), Serge Klymko (UKR), Mei Shimada (JPN), Birte Sonnenberg (GER), Peter Purg (SVN), Stadtteilpiloten (GER), Bikinikommando (GER), Constanze Eckert (GER), Dagmar Ruscheinsky (GER), Katharina von Storch (GER), Markus Sattler (GER), Anastasiia Kalyta (UKR), Mykhailo Bogachov (UKR), Tatiana Kochubinska (UKR), Timur Dzhafarov (UKR), Waldemar Tatarczuk (PLN)



The Symposium 2021 was dedicated to the attempt to penetrate the phenomena of digitalization and datafication more deeply. We were asking: "What experiences and skills do people need as data-competent and data-sovereign individuals in the 21st century?". The aim was to comprehensively sensitize participants and visitors to the handling of digital as well as analog data and to stimulate discussions. With the help of talks, panel discussions, concerts and workshops, different perspectives and approaches were to be uncovered. At any time, the focus of the 4-day symposium from October 21 to 24 2021 was on multimedia art and the mediation perspectives it offers for the topic.

We welcomed our guests at Chemnitz Open Space, Kunstsammlungen Chemnitz, Kulturhaus Arthur and the public space.

Artists & guests:

Nastja Säde Rönköö  (FI), Michael Saup (GER), FM Einheit (GER), Christina Lucas (ES), Simon Weckert  (GER), Mareike Hornof (GER), Museum für Werte (GER), Sabine Faller (ZKM | Karlsruhe)  (GER), Prof. Wolfgang Einhäuser-Treyer (GER), Agnieszka Kubicka-Dzieduszycka (PL), TIBSLC (GER), Felix Deufel (GER), Sabine Maria Schmidt (GER), Joy Buolamwini (CAN), Christos Atzinas (GER)



As a multimedia exhibition format, the POCHEN Biennale tells history and stories about the past, present and future. Every two years, POCHEN wants to bring together multimedia forms of expression in art with the themes that sustainably move people in the region and in Germany.

With POCHEN Biennale 2020 we want to build on the exhibition debut in 2018. So, we want to expand the concept of Festival further: As part of the POCHEN Symposium, we want to bring together representatives of European art festivals and artists with network partners and top performers from the fields of art, science, technology and society in order to think ahead with the POCHEN Biennale. Internal as well as public events await us for this purpose: Lectures, workshops, exhibitions and explorations should encourage us to exchange ideas and inspire the upcoming POCHEN Biennale 2020.

You are therefore warmly invited to make a cultural contribution to the city of Chemnitz and to help shape the POCHEN Biennale 2020. We are looking forward to exciting thoughts, critical questions and an inspiring exchange!

Martin Bricelj Baraga (SVN), Sophie Hundbiss (GER), Lorenz Pasch (GER), Anne Hofmann (GER), Miles Sjögren (GER), Felix Ermacora (GER), Stefan Schleupner (GER), Schaltkreis 

CYNETART (GER), Node Festival (IT), Sonica Festival (SVN), WRO Biennale (PN), Radikale Töchter (GER), MXZEHN (GER), Susanne Gärtner (GER), Christian Gesellmann (GER), Josa Schlegel (GER), FIS & Riccardo La Foresta (IT), Pandelis Diamantides (GRC) , Siminia Oprescu (ROU), Karolina Freino (PN), Lifecutter (SI) 

as a platform


We see that the world is constantly changing and are convinced that we can only defy the pending crises and transformations as a community. The platform is an anti-fragility strategy in which we provide space for exchange, create knowledge transfer, and build sustainable network structures. In cooperation with European institutions, each symposium creates new strands, and each biennial ties a new knot.

Pochen as a platform, is intended to emphasize the importance of what we have in common. The Kulturbahnhof in Chemnitz serves as our base, where we plan events with local actors. Together with partners such as the Jam Factory in Lviv, WRO Art Center in Wroclaw and HELLERAU in Dresden, we are setting up an artist-in-residence program for the next two years. We explore in to us unknown spaces, make friends, go on educational trips, host, recommend, advise, and support. It never works alone.

as a platform

Project partners

As important as friends are to life, project partners and supporters are to Pochen. We work with various institutions, foundations, collectives, artists, and actors to create the best version of Pochen. Here you can see who is part of our friend group:

Project partners:
AK Studio
Amt für Wunschentwicklung
Arbeit und Leben Sachsen e.V.
CCBT Tokio
Center für Urban History Lviv
CEMI - Service
DGB Region Südwestsachsen
EMAP - European Media Art Platform
Erika e.V.
Fraunhofer Institut (Bereich Materialwissenschaften)
Fritz Theater Chemnitz
Galerie Borssenanger

GO25 – Nova Gorica – European Capital of Culture 2025
Heinrich Böll Stiftung Sachsen
Industriemuseum Chemnitz
Jam Factory Lviv
Klub Solitaer e.V.
Kosmos Chemnitz
Kultur- und Länderstudien Ostmitteleuropas
Kulturhaus Arthur
Kunstsammlungen Chemnitz
Lern- und Gedenkort Kaßberg e.V.
Ljubljana2025 European City of Culture Candidate City
Media Art Biennale WRO
Museum für Werte
Netzwerk für Kultur- und Jugendarbeit Chemnitz e.V.
OSTEN Festival, Bitterfeld / Wolfen
PM2 - Veranstaltungstechnik
Rosa Luxemburg Stiftung Sachsen
Sächische Landeszentrale für politische Bildung
Spinnerei e.V.
smac - Staatliches Museum für Archäologie Chemnitz
Stadtbibliothek Chemnitz
Stasi-Unterlagen-Archiv Chemnitz
Team Generation der Kulturhauptstadt GmbH
TU Chemnitz
Wismut GmbH

WRO Art Center
ZKM Karlsruhe

Beisheim Stiftung
Bundeszentrale für politische Bildung
Chemnitz Kulturhauptstadt 2025
EU-Japan Fest
Kulturstiftung des Bundes
Kulturstiftung des Freistaates Sachsen
Ministry of Culture Republic of China (Taiwan)
Ostdeutsche Sparkassenstiftung Sachsen
SAB Sachsen - Sonderprogramm: Revolution / Demokratie
Slowenisches Kulturinformationszentrum SKICA Berlin
SMJusDEG - Sächsisches Staatsministerium der Justiz und für Demokratie, Europa und Gleichstellung
Stadt Chemnitz
ZEIT- Stiftung Ebelin und Gerd Bucerius

Druckerei Willy Gröer
eins Energie
GGG Chemnitz
Hotel an der Oper
Sparkasse Chemnitz

as a platform


Action shapes space and simultaneously engages with the emerging space. With planned residency activities, Pochen aims to provide several artists and their practices with resources for research.

Together with our partners at HELLERAU Dresden, the WRO Art Center in Wroclaw, and JAM Factory in Lviv, multiple artist exchanges are being planned for the period of 2024/25. These exchanges will focus on the artistic and discursive exploration of local and transregional interdependencies within the cultural landscapes of Germany, Poland, and Ukraine.

In the medium term, an artist residency program is expected to develop from these exchanges. The interaction between artists, the residency location, and the various partner institutions will create space for a conceptual engagement with terms such as “memory” and “borders”. The shared interest in critically questioning and exploring these themes among Poland, Ukraine, and Germany, including its East German heritage, offers opportunities to develop new narratives or to amplify silenced voices in contemporary and societal debates in Eastern and Central Europe.

Press & contact

In our press area, you will find all media-relevant information, press reviews from previous years, and royalty-free images of Pochen.

For inclusion in our press mailing list, interview requests, additional press material, and further questions, please contact:

Press & contact

Royalty-free images

Here, you can find photo material to download. The photos can be used for reporting purposes, if the copyright is mentioned. Our photo material is continuously updated.


Presse & contact

Media-relevant information


Our website is not completely barrier-free. We have already taken measures, such as translating important parts of our website or the exhibition into easy read in German. Nevertheless, further improvements are needed to ensure unrestricted access for all users. We are working to improve our accessibility continuously. Thank you for your understanding and patience.

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Our responsible person(s) (hereinafter "responsible person") within the meaning of Art. 4 fig. 7 DS-GVO is:

Spinnerei e.V.

Reichenhainer Str. 1

09111 Chemnitz

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This data serves the purpose of user-friendly, functional, and secure delivery of our website to you with functions and content as well as its optimization and statistical evaluation.

The legal basis for this is our legitimate interest in data processing, which also lies in the above purposes, in accordance with Art. 6 Para. 1 S.1 lit. f) DS-GVO.

For security reasons, we store this data in server log files for a storage period of days. After this period, they are automatically deleted, unless we need to keep them for evidence purposes in the event of attacks on the server infrastructure or other legal violations.


We use so-called cookies when you visit our website. Cookies are small text files that your Internet browser places and stores on your computer. When you visit our website again, these cookies provide information to automatically recognize you. The information obtained in this way serves the purpose of technically and economically optimizing our web offers and providing you with easier and more secure access to our website. When you access our website, we will inform you by means of a reference to our data protection declaration about the use of cookies for the purposes mentioned above and how you can object to this or prevent their storage ("opt-out"). Our website uses session cookies, persistent cookies, and third-party cookies:

  • Session cookies: We use so-called cookies to recognize multiple use of an offer by the same user (e.g. if you have logged in to determine your login status). When you visit our site again, these cookies provide information to automatically recognize you. The information thus obtained is used to optimize our offers and to provide you with easier access to our site. When you close the browser or log out, the session cookies are deleted.
  • Persistent cookies: these are automatically deleted after a specified period of time, which may differ depending on the cookie. You can delete the cookies at any time in the security settings of your browser.
  • Third-party cookies: According to your preferences, you can configure your browser settings and, for example, refuse to accept third-party cookies or all cookies. However, we would like to point out at this point that you may then not be able to use all the functions of this website. Read more about these cookies in the respective privacy statements of the third-party providers.

The legal basis for this processing is Art. 6 (1) p. lit. b) DS-GVO if the cookies are set to initiate a contract, e.g. for orders, and otherwise we have a legitimate interest in the effective functionality of the website, so that in that case Art. 6 (1) p. 1 lit. f) DS-GVO is the legal basis.

Objection and "Opt-Out": You can generally prevent cookies from being stored on your hard drive by selecting "do not accept cookies" in your browser settings. However, this may result in a functional restriction of our offers. You can object to the use of cookies from third-party providers for advertising purposes via a so-called "opt-out" via this American website ( or this European website (

Presence in social media

We maintain profiles or fan pages in social media to communicate with the users connected and registered there and to provide information about our products, offers and services. The US providers are certified under the so-called Privacy Shield and are thus obliged to comply with European data protection. When you use and call up our profile in the respective network, the respective data protection information, and terms of use of the respective network apply.

We process the data you send us via these networks to communicate with you and to reply to your messages there.

The legal basis for the processing of personal data is our legitimate interest in communicating with users and our external presentation for the purpose of advertising in accordance with Art. 6 (1) p. 1 lit. f) DS-GVO. Insofar as you have given the responsible party of the social network consent to the processing of your personal data, the legal basis is Art. 6 para. 1 p. 1 lit. a) and Art. 7 DS-GVO.

The data protection notices, information options and objection options (opt-out) of the respective networks can be found here:

Rights of the data subject

Objection or revocation against the processing of your data

Insofar as the processing is based on your consent pursuant to Art. 6 (1) p. 1 lit. a), Art. 7 DS-GVO, you have the right to revoke your consent at any time. This does not affect the lawfulness of the processing carried out on the basis of the consent until the revocation.

Insofar as we base the processing of your personal data on the balance of interests pursuant to Art. 6 (1) p. 1 lit. f) DS-GVO, you may object to the processing. This is the case if the processing is not necessary for the performance of a contract with you, which is presented by us in each case in the following description of the functions. When exercising such an objection, we ask you to explain the reasons why we should not process your personal data as we have done. In the event of your justified objection, we will review the situation and either discontinue or adjust the data processing or show you our compelling legitimate grounds based on which we will continue the processing.

You may object to the processing of your personal data for purposes of advertising and data analysis at any time. The exercise of the right to object is free of charge for you. You can notify us of your advertising objection using the following contact details:

Spinnerei e.V.

Reichenhainer Street 1

09120 Chemnitz

Managing Director Benjamin Gruner

E-mail address:

Right to information

You have the right to request confirmation from us as to whether personal data relating to you is being processed. If this is the case, you have a right to information about your personal data stored by us in accordance with Art. 15 DS-GVO. This includes, in particular, information about the processing purposes, the category of personal data, the categories of recipients to whom your data has been or will be disclosed, the planned storage period, the origin of your data if it has not been collected directly from you.

Right to rectification

You have a right to correct inaccurate data or to complete correct data according to Art. 16 DS-GVO.

Right to deletion

You have a right to have your data stored by us deleted in accordance with Art. 17 DS-GVO, unless legal or contractual retention periods or other legal obligations or rights to further storage prevent this.

Right to restriction

You have the right to request a restriction in the processing of your personal data if one of the conditions in Art. 18 (1) a) to d) DS-GVO is met:

  • If you contest the accuracy of the personal data concerning, you for a period enabling the controller to verify the accuracy of the personal data;
  • the processing is unlawful and you object to the erasure of the personal data and request instead the restriction of the use of the personal data;
  • the controller no longer needs the personal data for the purposes of processing, but you need them for the establishment, exercise, or defense of legal claims; or
  • if you have objected to the processing pursuant to Article 21 (1) DS-GVO and it is not yet clear whether the legitimate grounds of the controller outweigh your grounds.

Right to data portability

You have a right to data portability under Article 20 DS-GVO, which means that you can obtain the personal data we hold about you in a structured, commonly used and machine-readable format or request that it be transferred to another controller.

Right to complain

You have a right to lodge a complaint with a supervisory authority. As a rule, you can contact the supervisory authority for this purpose, in the Member State of your residence, workplace or the place of the alleged infringement.

Data security

To protect all personal data transmitted to us and to ensure that data protection regulations are complied with by us, as well as by our external service providers, we have taken appropriate technical and organizational security measures. Therefore, among other things, all data between your browser and our server is transmitted encrypted via a secure SSL connection.

is more than just an exhibition. Pochen is a platform and forum for discourse. We at Pochen are art mediators and social shapers - we work together with partners in Chemnitz and Central Eastern Europe. Constantly recurring.